Field Validations

Below is a detailed description of the validation checks performed:

1. Whitespace Check: Ensures that fields do not contain only whitespace characters.

2. Required Fields Check: Verifies that all required fields are provided in the file.

3. Deal Existence Check: Confirms that the provided deal exists in the system.

4. Deal Status Check: Ensures that the provided deal has an Active status.

5. Anchor Provision Check: Checks that the anchor (seller or payer, depending on the deal’s product group) is provided.

6. Anchor Existence Check: Confirms that the provided anchor exists in the system.

7. Anchor Status Check: Ensures that the provided anchor has an Active company status.

8. Deal Manager Status Check: Confirms that the deal manager (funder) assigned to the deal has an Active company status.

9. Counterparty Provision Check: Checks that the counterparty (seller or payer, depending on the deal’s product group) is provided.

10. Counterparty Existence Check: Confirms that the provided counterparty exists in the system.

11. Counterparty Company Status Check: Ensures that the provided counterparty has an Active company status.

12. Counterparty Deal Status Check: Verifies that the provided counterparty has an Active status as a deal counterparty.

13. Instrument Reference Uniqueness Check: Ensures that the instrument reference is unique for the payer-seller relationship.

14. Currency Support Check: Confirms that the currency is within the supported currencies list.

15. Currency Deal Limit Check: Ensures that the currency is either the deal limit currency or a currency included as a From currency in the FX rate template assigned to the deal.

16. Face Value Range Check: Verifies that the face value is between 1 and 9,999,999,999,999.

17. Face Value Numeric Check: Ensures that the face value is a number.

18. Face Value Null Check: Ensures that the face value is not null when the instrument cannot be fully parsed.

19. Issue Date Check: Confirms that the instrument issue date is today or in the past.

20. Maturity Date Check: Ensures that the instrument original maturity date is today or in the future.

21. Date Format Check: Verifies that the date format for the issue date or maturity date is one of the following: DD.MM.YYYY, MM-DD-YYYY, DD/MM/YYYY, or YYYY-MM-DD.

22. Instrument Reference Length Check: Ensures that the instrument reference field is not too long.

If any validation check fails, the system will:

• Generate an error report detailing the failed validations and the reasons for the failure.

• Reshow the failed records to the submitter with the specific error reasons for resolution. The submitter is given the option to resolve the issues or ignore them and resubmit only the records that passed validation.